Comparison Matrix is a better way to engage patients in their own health

Traditional Healthcare

Passive disease management using traditional medical approaches (drugs and procedures)

Value Based Care

Passive disease management using traditional medical approaches (drugs and procedures), with proactive attention to annual wellness visits and post-hospital visits

Lifestyle Medicine

Active disease prevention and reversal. Goal is to help patients be the best version of themselves, and to optimize wellbeing. Network Has a Lot to Offer

Our comparison matrix below helps you see how our Lifestyle Medicine Network compares to Traditional Healthcare and Value Based Care. From high engagement to deeper connections, cost reduction to prevention and reversal of disease, LM Network delivers.

Traditional Health Care ?

Mainstream Value Based Care? Network

Practices, clinics, hospitals who are fee-for-service meaning they are paid to see sick patients

Practices, clinics, hospitals who are members of ACO or other value based contracting arrangement, practicing mainstream medicine

Practices, clinics, hospitals who are members of poplar and focus on addressing the root causes of disease to keep patients healthy through a lifestyle based approach

Engagement with patient

Low engagement

Wait till patient comes to the practice with a problem

Medium engagement

Try to be proactive about annual wellness visits and post-hospital visits

High engagement

See every patient at optimal interval

Patient satisfaction

High volume of brief encounters, poor customer service

High volume of brief encounters, poor customer service

Higher value visits, proactive customer service

Provider satisfaction

High volume of superficial patient visits leads to burnout

High volume of superficial patient visits leads to burnout

Lower volume, deeper connection, team of assistants, attention to provider wellness

Optimal outcomes for chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension.

Passive disease management using traditional medical approaches (drugs and procedures)

Passive disease management using traditional medical approaches (drugs and procedures), with proactive attention to annual wellness visits and post-hospital visits

Active disease prevention and reversal

Payment for keeping people healthy?

No. Payment is for seeing sick patients. No financial incentive to keep people healthy

Not really. Payment is mostly for seeing sick patients, with a small bonus for cost of care and/or vanity quality measures ?
[Vanity quality measures are intended to measure quality of health care but they really measure adherence to traditional medical protocols like adherence to blood pressure medication]

Yes, through our total risk and value based contracts

A vision for wellness

Goal is treatment of diseases

Goal is treatment of diseases with incremental attempts at prevention

Goal is to help patients be the best version of themselves, and to optimize wellbeing

Total cost of care

If costs go up, then revenue goes up. Therefore no alignment with saving cost of care

Incremental improvements in overall cost

Dramatic cost improvements are possible when diseases are prevented or reversed

Approach to cost saving


Risk coding ?
[making sure to code every disease the patient has ever had]

Prevent and reverse diseases

Revenue potential for the independent practice


Fee-for-service with some value-based payments

Large shared savings payments when successful at reducing total cost of care

Financial risk

Low risk

Low risk

Medium risk, mitigated with stop loss insurance




Sustainability, local community, pedestrianism, and plant based diets are part of our core principles

Traditional Health Care ?

Practices, clinics, hospitals who are fee-for-service meaning they are paid to see sick patients

Mainstream Value Based Care?

Practices, clinics, hospitals who are members of ACO or other value based contracting arrangement, practicing mainstream medicine Network

Practices, clinics, hospitals who are members of LMN and focus on addressing the root causes of disease to keep patients healthy through a lifestyle based approach

Engagement with patient

Traditional Health Care ?

Low engagement

Wait till patient comes to the practice with a problem

Mainstream Value Based Care?

Medium engagement

Try to be proactive about annual wellness visits and post-hospital visits Network

High engagement

See every patient at optimal interval

Patient satisfaction

Traditional Health Care ?

High volume of brief encounters, poor customer service

Mainstream Value Based Care?

High volume of brief encounters, poor customer service Network

Higher value visits, proactive customer service

Provider satisfaction

Traditional Health Care ?

High volume of superficial patient visits leads to burnout

Mainstream Value Based Care?

High volume of superficial patient visits leads to burnout Network

Lower volume, deeper connection, team of assistants, attention to provider wellness

Optimal outcomes for chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension.

Traditional Health Care ?

Passive disease management using traditional medical approaches (drugs and procedures)

Mainstream Value Based Care?

Passive disease management using traditional medical approaches (drugs and procedures), with proactive attention to annual wellness visits and post-hospital visits Network

Active disease prevention and reversal

Payment for keeping people healthy?

Traditional Health Care ?

No. Payment is for seeing sick patients. No financial incentive to keep people healthy

Mainstream Value Based Care?

Not really. Payment is mostly for seeing sick patients, with a small bonus for cost of care and/or vanity quality measures ?[Vanity quality measures are intended to measure quality of health care but they really measure adherence to traditional medical protocols like adherence to blood pressure medication] Network

Yes, through our total risk and value based contracts

A vision for wellness

Traditional Health Care ?

Goal is treatment of diseases

Mainstream Value Based Care?

Goal is treatment of diseases with incremental attempts at prevention Network

Goal is to help patients be the best version of themselves, and to optimize wellbeing

Total cost of care

Traditional Health Care ?

If costs go up, then revenue goes up. Therefore no alignment with saving cost of care

Mainstream Value Based Care?

Incremental improvements in overall cost Network

Dramatic cost improvements are possible when diseases are prevented or reversed

Approach to cost saving

Traditional Health Care ?


Mainstream Value Based Care?

Risk coding ? [making sure to code every disease the patient has ever had] Network

Prevent and reverse diseases

Revenue potential for the independent practice

Traditional Health Care ?


Mainstream Value Based Care?

Fee-for-service with some value-based payments Network

Large shared savings payments when successful at reducing total cost of care

Financial risk

Traditional Health Care ?

Low risk

Mainstream Value Based Care?

Low risk Network

Medium risk, mitigated with stop loss insurance


Traditional Health Care ?


Mainstream Value Based Care?

None Network

Sustainability, local community, pedestrianism, and plant based diets are part of our core principles

Even a quick review of the Comparison Matrix is enough to confirm that nothing compares to the Poplar. Authentic to its members, authentic to its patients. We are here for each other.

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